Thursday, May 6, 2010

April month-end reconciliation

As promised April brought a few showers.  And a sneak peek at May's flowers.  As with most other months it was filled with both debits and (kredits).  Hard to believe that we're well into May and I just found time to recap April!

April 2010

(+) Twins Games!  2010 Home Opener at Target Field.  4/14/2010 afternoon game with some rain.  First night game in the new stadium!  Three games in one week - a great way to start the season.

(+) No cavaties at the dentist!

(+) Flowering trees.  I have never been a big fan until this spring.  I took Tucker for walks most nights and couldn't help but notice the fragrance along the path.  It was refreshing!  Made me take a few deep breaths and relax.  I decided that when I own a home with a yard I definitely want a flowering tree.

(-) Struggling to pull myself away from work.  Wondering when the busy part will end?

(+) Run for the Lakez Marathon - a well run event that was organized by one of my great friends.  I am so proud of Heidi.  She worked her butt off and I had fun being a part of the weekend.

(+) Nachos at Zorba's.  Yum - they are in the top5!

(+) Scrapbooking weekend with the girls.  With all the recent births the spring trip relocated to Eden Prairie.  The close proximity allowed for access to babies and boys.  After a long busy season it felt good to let the creative juices flow!

(-) Subpoena phone calls - The first one made by heart skip a beat.  By the time the third criminal was released from the hospital I was well aware of the process.  Nothing like a scary automated phone call to wake you up at 6am and remind you of that very scary incident.

(+) The moon - for some reason I was especially fascinated by the moon.  Each night I looked to the East to find the moon.  On cloudy nights I was dissappointed that it was no where in sight.  The next morning while taking the dog out I looked to the West and sure enough Mr Moon was still here.  I felt reassured to know the moon was so reliable - always in the sky.

1 comment:

andrea said...

Kridi! Sounds like life is full and fun these days! Lots of plus signs. I really miss you, and we need to catch up. I want to hear your voice and squeeze you because I'm so glad you are safe and unharmed physically from that horrible robbing incident! Let's talk this week!