Sunday, January 31, 2010

Can we still be friends?

I don't have the best record when it comes to my sinuses.  My senior year in college I remember having some sort of cold virus or sinus infection non-stop for four months.  I decided to settle the score by having surgery.  The college roomies likely remember the post-surgery nights - when I slept in the recliner in the living room based on the doctor's orders.  In fact, the worst part of that process was the fear that led up to my first sneeze post-surgery.

Several years have passed and I was free of sinus related sickness.  As more time passed they slowly creeped back into my life.  About that same time I happened to watch an Oprah episode where she featured the Neti Pot.  Now Oprah can get excited about almost anything (I like that about her!), but her audience members where sharing their own stories and raving about how this little watering can will change your life.  I didn't want to miss out on anything life changing - so I stopped at the drug store down the road only to find the shelves empty.  When I turned to the pharmacist in despair she smiled and informed me that since the Oprah episode they haven't able to keep them in stock.  Wow - I guess I wasn't the only one looking for a life changing experience.  I was lucky enough to snag one when their next shipment came in.  I've been using the neti pot off and on since that time.

In preparation for this season of busy-ness I decided to ramp up my precautionary measures in hopes of avoiding sickness.  I increased use of the neti pot, added some airborne to my daily routine and have been drinking as much water as possible.  Lately, I have even gone so far as to brag about my neti pot use.  When a friend or co-worker is sick I promot the neti pot to no end.  I only wish I got a commission for promoting the product!  After showing empathy for their sickness I would walk away believing my BFF the neti pot was going to save me from their misery.

Last Friday morning I woke up and knew I was in trouble.  I tried to deny it, but the symptoms only continued to worsen during the day.  By the time I left the client that night I proceeded directly to the drugstore near my house to stock up on supplies.  If the defensive team had failed me, I was ready to call on the offensive team.  Some of the star players include:

1. Zicam
2. Sudafed
3. Robitussin
4. Advil
5. Vicks Vapor Rub
6. Zinc
7. Kleenex
8. Water bottle (don't worry Haley - it's my stainless steel water bottle!)

After a long day of work on Saturday, I spent most of Sunday in bed.  I've been giving the offensive players quite the workout.  Let's hope there aren't any serious risks by mixing these medications, because I've lost track of how many doses I've taken in the past 24 hours.  My sneezes are GIGANTIC.  Seriously, the pictures hanging on the wall shake when I sneeze.  I have used no less than 378,942 kleenexes this weekend.  I'm not going to lie - I am having serious doubts about my relationship with the neti pot.  But after careful consideration I am hoping we can still be friends!  I'm not going to let this one bad experiences get in the way of our friendship.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Theme song.

This debit & kredit girl has plenty of busy season memories.  There have been a handful of sleepless nights, a few tears (o.k. more than a few!), a crashed computer or two and a dollop of frustration on top.  But at the same time I have made great friends, shared many a laughs and pulled some all-star office pranks during busy season.

Amidst all those memories there is the all important busy season theme song.  During the season of busy-ness I treasure my time in the car more than ever.  It is a cherished twenty or thirty minutes a day where my mind runs free.  My thoughts jump from the client phone call I forgot to return, to the fact that I have left the dog at home for too many hours or the realization that there is no food to eat or clean clothes to wear!  And just when I feel completely overwhelmed I hear my theme song and for the next three minutes I turn up the radio and sing along without a care in the world!

The theme song is not something that is handpicked after careful consideration.   Often is comes about all on its own.

I think it was busy season #5, but I really can't be sure.  That was the year that got the best of me.  Also a year that the theme song was slow and depressing.  "Worn Me Down" by Rachel Yamagato.  To this day I feel tears welling up in my eyes when I hear that song.

Last year the song was a little bit more upbeat.  Despite the fact that I listened to "Gives Me Hell" more than 42,000 times I still have no idea what that song is about.

Each and every night last week I got in the car, took a deep breath and turned up the radio - and there it was - this year's theme song.... Empire State of Mind. You can't help but feel bettter after listening to a little hip hop with some R&B soul.  So I turn the volume up a little louder than in years past and by the time I sing along to the last line of the song I am ready to conquer the world.  Well maybe not the world - but I am ready to find my sweat pants, let the dog out, eat some dinner and review a few more audit workpapers.

Thanks Jay-Z and Alicia Keys!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


As expected - the pace of my life has really picked up the past few weeks.  It is officially the season of debits & kredits.  This season is slightly different than the holiday season which is celebrated by decorating the home with trees and colorful lights, slowing the pace of life and spending time with family and friends - the season of debits &kredits is more of an individual holiday.  It's one where we decorate our homes with dirty laundry and dishes, time is not our our side and we spend very little of it with family and friends.

At this point I need two hands to count the seasons of busy-ness.

"Two, four, niner, five, six, seven..."

"I can't hear you, you're trailing off and did I catch a niner in there?"

Yep after auditing my own count I came up with... Niner! 

For some reason I can't seem to remember three, four or five.  Oh well there are busy season memories to be made, so it's back to auditing for me!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Here and There.

One of my dear friends is far away from 'here'.  She and her most likely travel companion have decided to take a few months out of their normally hectic schedules to go 'somewhere'.  Their 'somewhere' happens to be... NEW ZEALAND!  Her other 'somewhere' happens to be Seattle, so I don't normally get to see her beautiful face except for her tips home to Minne or my trips (note that is plural as I visited twice!) to Seattle.  Regardless, I can't stop thinking about the fact that she is on the other side of this great Earth.  I am nervous for them as they explore their new surroundings and start this adventure.  But those anxious feelings are quickly settled as I can't think of anyone that will embrace this experience more than these two.  And ironically (due to the opposite seasons) it IS the perfect time of year somewhere far away from here!

Check out their adventure if you are interested.  As expected they already have some debits & kredits to write home about.

There is no need for the above mittens if you're 'there', but I think they are really cute and can definitely use them 'here'.  Wondering if she'd knit me a pair.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Somewhere far away from here...

Just the other day I was driving in the car with the heat set on high and was just beginning to feel the heated seat take effect... when I found myself singing along with the radio...

"it's the perfect time of year... somewhere far away from here!"

I can't stop thinking about all the possibilities of 'somewhere'.

This one would do just fine!

Dreamland Beach, Bali

Actually I found this little list and would be willing to make my 'somewhere' any of these places.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Warm, delicious addiction.

There is something about that cup and its contents.  It's an addiction.  It provides a feeling of happiness and a hope that I can tackle the day.  It's part of a ritual whereby I gather friends and coworkers for a ride down the elevator and then up the escalator on our quest for something warm and delicious.  On special occasions I will block an hour off on my calendar to meet a friend and sit there and chat while enjoying our warm, delicious addiction.

In an effort to preserve the budget, I have spent time considering how I might be able to mimic the ritual without paying for the iconic cup and its contents.  After much thought I have reached a preliminary conclusion.  It may be possible to ride the escalator up and back down again holding a generic cup of nothing more than hot water.  Many mornings after making my visit to Caribou I return to my office only to be distracted by less important things.  An hour or two later I mistakenly take a disappointing lukewarm sip.  Somehow I seem to have survived the morning not due to the caffeine intake, but rather thanks to a 5 trip upstairs and a short chat with friends and coworkers.

If my preliminary conclusion has any merit to it, my bank account will be fortunate enough to grow a little.  But let's get a few things straight:  1.) it's the middle of a MN winter and 2.) it's just the beginning of busy season.  These are two factors that will likely have a significant influence in the coming weeks and months.

I would love to find a home for the oil painting above.  Check out the artist's coffee cup grid .

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Birthday Memories...

For a number of years during my childhood there was a birthday tradition that I will never forget - a birthday date with my Godfather - Uncle Dan.

Uncle Dan is my mother's youngest brother.  He can be quiet and private, but he also has a dry, unique sense of humor, coy smile and a kind loving heart - ever supportive of his family.  As the youngest child he found small ways to add humor to an average day or a family celebration.  To me he was a really cool uncle - who also happened to be my godfather.  He lived in a handful of small towns with names I had rarely heard.  Growing up in southwestern MN with much of my extended family nearby I thought I knew most of the surrounding towns.  However Uncle Dan seemed to find a way to land in those I had never heard of.  He moved around for his job.  I wasn't really sure what his job was, but I knew it was important and I was quite certain that he was rich!

The reason why I knew he was rich was because he spoiled me on my birthday date.  Unfortunately I don't recall the planning details surrounding this date - but nonetheless it occurred for a number of years and I cherish the memories.  Uncle Dan would come pick me up at my parent's house.   I recall waiting patiently at the front picture window.  As I write those words I have no idea what a picture window is.  Our picture window was big and it overlooked the driveway and front yard.  As a child I spent many anxious minutes with my forehead pressed against that window waiting and watching.  Uncle Dan drove a variety of cars - perhaps they came with the different towns he lived in.  The one I recall most vividly was the Bronco - it was black and gray and not like any other vehicle I had ever been in.

After anxiously waiting for Uncle Dan to arrive, we were off on our birthday date.  To where you ask?  To a little place known as Kristi's Closet!  Can you even believe it! There was a children's clothing store on Main Street of M-town by the name of Kristi's Closet.  What a fun coincidence!  Inside the store I was free to roam the endless racks of clothes - jeans, shirts, dresses... even pajamas and bathrobes.  For my birthday gift, Uncle Dan said I could pick out 2 outfits.   The store was a small boutique-like shop but they had more clothes than this girl could fathom.  So from there I picked clothes off the rack and the warm, welcoming, bubbly woman working in the store lined them up in the fitting room.  I took my time carefully picking out my birthday gifts.  I really wonder how long we spent in the store - because in the mind of this girl it felt like hours!

If my memory serves me right I often chose one outfit and then a bathrobe.  For some reason I was drawn to the pajamas and bathrobes.  What little girl doesn't need a new bathrobe every year!

With my shopping bag in hand and a smile on my face we headed back home where I would proudly present to my mom, dad and little sister (who wasn't allowed on my birthday date!) what I had chosen.  Then I would likely dance on the rust-colored living room carpet on top of my Uncle Dan's feet.  Another tradition that leaves me smiling... years later on my birthday.

Not my feet or the rust-colored carpet in the image above.
It was borrowed from the image bank/getty images and spotted here. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Don't Forget!

When I was a kid I would sometimes notice that my mom was wearing her wedding ring on the opposite hand alongside another ring.  I remember questioning her about why the ring was on the "wrong" finger.  I don't remember her exact response, but she informed me that the purpose was to remind her to do something.  From that point on I knew that if her ring was on the "wrong" finger it was a reminder.

Don't forget!  Easier said than done.

I rented the Dexter - First Season DVD on New Year's Eve from a rental store close to my house.  (A little bird keeps urging me to start the series after she spurred my most recent addiction.)  Unfortunately I didn't get around to watching Dexter on New Year's Eve, but I didn't stress - the DVD was rented until the following Thursday so I still had plenty of time before it was due back in the store.  The weekend passed quickly, Thursday came and went and it's been 13 days since I rented the DVD.  The DVD first sat on my TV stand, then on the table, the counter and finally it made it's way into my handbag.  It traveled with me to the office and home again.  Today I tossed it on the driver's seat of my car when I got to the office to remind me to return it on the way home.  As I raced out of the office to get the dog from doggie daycare that DVD was far from the top of my mind.  The reminders that flooded my mind on the way to the office had been replaced by a million other thoughts and a few more important reminders.  As I paid the parking attendant I reached under me and tossed the DVD on the passenger's seat.  Picked up the dog, made it home and as I pulled into the driveway I saw the DVD staring back at me like a serial killer. 

I've got all sorts of ways to remind myself of things that need to be done.  There are the notepads next to the fridge where I capture the grocery list.  There are numerous reminders in Outlook - some from over 2 weeks ago.  I carry a cute little notepad in handbag to make notes when I am out and about.  There are several notepads and post-it notes at my desk.  I send email to myself.  I left the DVD on the driver's seat and that still didn't work!  How do you remind yourself - DON'T FORGET!  There is lot to remember in my life these days - does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep yourself  me organized.  Please share!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Changed My Mind

I thought I was over American Idol. 

Who am I kidding?  I live in MN where the average temperature and my day job during the upcoming Idol season will require me to spend Tuesday and Wednesday evenings nestled safe and sound on the couch while my computer warms my lap.

Even after the previous seasons the auditions still provide plenty of entertainment.

I thought wrong.

This kid might have something to do with the fact that I changed my mind.

Monday, January 11, 2010


This isn’t exactly the first time I’ve made a splash. When I was in the second grade I decided to “try out” for the swim team – Marshall Meters. Each fall the swim team had an introductory week – kids could come to practice and see if they were interested in joining the team. My good friend Michelle was a swimmer and was always busy with swim practice and swim meets. Joining the swim team seemed like a great idea to the 7 year-old me – I would get to see my friend every weeknight at swim practice and a few weekends a month when we competed in swim meets. So I showed up for the first night and within the first 10 minutes I drank more water than I could have imagined. By the end of the 30 minute session I was surprised there was any water left in the pool! When the coach excused swimmers who were only swimming for 30 minutes I gladly grabbed my towel and headed for the locker room. I couldn’t even imagine how the older and more experienced swimmers could practice for 1.5 and 2 hours each night! After that first night of practice I definitely wasn’t sold – but I really wanted to be able to hang out with Michelle, so I went back the next night.

Over the next few years I spent countless hours in the pool. Learning each of the strokes and many techniques along the way. I practiced starts, flipturns and finished. I tried a nose plug and earplugs. I bought countless styles of swim caps and goggles. I learned how to write my event and heat numbers on the back of hand so I could run and play with friends at weekend swim meets while we waited for our turn to complete. Somehow we found a way to get into our fair share of trouble during those weekend swim meets. (More on our adventures in future posts!) I experienced the nervous anxiety waiting at the starting blocks for my chance to compete. I vomited in more than a few locker rooms before learning how to manage that anxiety.

By the time I was 11 years old I had honed my skills and was a self-proclaimed breaststoker. ( I’m really not sure why I chose that as my stroke, I honestly think it’s because you got to breathe on each stroke!) I had progressed each season and was making the times necessary to compete at the A/B finals. The time standards put you in age categories including: 8 & under, 9 – 10, 11&12, 13 – 14 and 15 & over. A/B times were pretty much middle of the road, next came the state championship meet and final the zone competition – where you competed on a national level. My friend Michelle has successful made her state times and I wanted so badly to join her at the state meet. The qualifying time was 42.99! 42 seconds and 99 hundredths. Our coach was a phenomenal women who made a point not only to teach us of the basics of swimming but she also instilled in each us values any parent would be proud of. She insisted that we always give swimming our best, reminded me not to put all my eggs in one basket and informed us that swimming required an incredible amount of mental preparation. At the age of 11 I was an eager student. I took what she said about mental preparation very serious. As the season was coming to an end, I hadn’t yet been able to shave off enough time to make the state qualifying time. The A/B finals swim meet was fast approaching and I knew it was my last chance to qualify. In the weeks leading up to the meet I covered our house with post-it notes that displayed by goal time… 42.99. There were post-it notes in my bedroom, in the bathroom, on the shower door, in the kitchen cupboards. I’m not sure my parents appreciated all the post-it notes, but they seemed to tolerate my creative approach to mental preparation.

Let’s just say that I wasn’t quite successful at making that state qualifying time. Unfortunately I can’t even remember the exact time I swam that day. I’m sure I was extremely disappointed and likely shed a few tears in the steamy locker room after my race. What I do remember is that I had set a goal, wasn’t quite successful, but was ready to try again next season. I do still remember that qualifying time and years later 42 is one of my favorite numbers! Every time I see the number or say the number I can’t help but smile and think back to that meet when I stood behind the starting blocks, stomach full of butterflies, goggles full of fog, ready to take on the challenge. Here I am years later, a little nervous about the idea of blogging, but ready to take on the challenge

photo above is not me - but it's for a good cause.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Making a Splash!

I’d be willing to take on anyone when it comes to cell phone minutes used last month or last year. Add to that the number of text messages sent and received and you might wonder how I find time to do anything else – it’s called multi-tasking! Before the days of unlimited calling and texting plans– I’ve had some inexcusable cell phone bills. Look no further than my Outlook inbox or sent items and it’s clear I spend most of the day using some form of communication. When it comes to emails to my close friends they often become lengthy as I account for every last detail.

Com-mu-ni-ca-tion -- noun

1. The exchange of thoughts, messages or information, as by speech, signals, writing or behavior

2. The art and technique of using words effectively to impart information or ideas.

With all the communicating I do, I guess you could say I’m down right chatty. I tend to get caught up in the minor, personal details – it’s the little things in life that really count! (This is a warning in case you are short of patience.)

Chat-ty -- adjective

1. Characterized by friendly and informal talk or writing, often about minor or personal matters.

2. Inclined to chat: friendly and talkative.

3. Full of or in the style of light informal talk.

This chatty girl has plenty of opportunity to communicate on a daily basis. But when I stop and think about it, the phone calls are often brief – interrupted by life – some sort of distraction be it good or bad. The text messages are limited to 160 characters where our words are often abbreviated. The emails might be sent to a mass distribution list and quickly become a volley of messages containing only a few words.

So in all of this chaos, I’ve created a little place to come in order to capture every last detail, and celebrate the small stuff in my ordinary life. In this new year, I am making a splash into a new type of communication. (If you’re looking for the cliff notes version you’re in the wrong place!) If you are willing to indulge in the words of each story - you might have a little fun along the way. I’m hoping to bring my friends and family along on the journey and if I’m lucky I’ll even make a few new friends as I capture the details of my ordinary life.