Sunday, January 10, 2010

Making a Splash!

I’d be willing to take on anyone when it comes to cell phone minutes used last month or last year. Add to that the number of text messages sent and received and you might wonder how I find time to do anything else – it’s called multi-tasking! Before the days of unlimited calling and texting plans– I’ve had some inexcusable cell phone bills. Look no further than my Outlook inbox or sent items and it’s clear I spend most of the day using some form of communication. When it comes to emails to my close friends they often become lengthy as I account for every last detail.

Com-mu-ni-ca-tion -- noun

1. The exchange of thoughts, messages or information, as by speech, signals, writing or behavior

2. The art and technique of using words effectively to impart information or ideas.

With all the communicating I do, I guess you could say I’m down right chatty. I tend to get caught up in the minor, personal details – it’s the little things in life that really count! (This is a warning in case you are short of patience.)

Chat-ty -- adjective

1. Characterized by friendly and informal talk or writing, often about minor or personal matters.

2. Inclined to chat: friendly and talkative.

3. Full of or in the style of light informal talk.

This chatty girl has plenty of opportunity to communicate on a daily basis. But when I stop and think about it, the phone calls are often brief – interrupted by life – some sort of distraction be it good or bad. The text messages are limited to 160 characters where our words are often abbreviated. The emails might be sent to a mass distribution list and quickly become a volley of messages containing only a few words.

So in all of this chaos, I’ve created a little place to come in order to capture every last detail, and celebrate the small stuff in my ordinary life. In this new year, I am making a splash into a new type of communication. (If you’re looking for the cliff notes version you’re in the wrong place!) If you are willing to indulge in the words of each story - you might have a little fun along the way. I’m hoping to bring my friends and family along on the journey and if I’m lucky I’ll even make a few new friends as I capture the details of my ordinary life.


Unknown said...

LOVE it! Very excited to add another blog to my own 'must read' list! Keep 'em coming!

The Goeman Family said...

Yippee!! Now when are we suppose to sleep?!

Kbomb said...

Madeline and I just caught up - welcome to the blog world!! keep those posts coming :).